All quantities have been checked twice for accuracy, and products have been thoroughly inspected at our facility prior to shipment. After the shipment leaves our facility, the freight carrier is accepting responsibility for delivering the order as it was accepted on the bill of lading (COMPLETE AND IN GOOD CONDITION, EXCEPT AS NOTED). We need our customers to do the same upon delivery. It is the responsibility of the customer to inspect all packages upon receipt, checking for visible damages to the exterior of the packages and comparing contents with the packing slip.
The customer is REQUIRED to note any damages in writing (on the bill of lading) to the delivering carrier at time of delivery to be eligible for reimbursement. All claims for shipping damages or missing product must be reported to us within (5) business days from delivery. This may be done by email or by calling 800-661-2836 x. 250. We will handle all claims with our freight carrier on the customers behalf and ship out replacement product immediately. Digital pictures may be requested to assist us in our claim with the freight company. Due to the nature of our products and the building sites our products are commonly delivered to, no damage claims will be accepted after (5) business days from receipt of product. If we receive notice within (5) business days of delivery, the customer will not be responsible for any additional charges.